

Use this to mark acts of an opera (as opposed to other parts that are not acts) [ Documentation ]


This attribute describes if a particular role was considered normal or additional. [ Documentation ]


Indicates how many of a specific instrument an ensemble usually includes. [ Documentation ]


Use this to mark that a tour was for the anniversary (rather than the launch) of a release group. [ Documentation ]


This typically indicates someone who is either a first-timer, or less experienced, and who is working under the direction of someone who is more experienced. [ Documentation ]


This typically indicates someone who is less experienced and who is working under the direction of someone who is more experienced. [ Documentation ]


Indicates a bonus disc [ Documentation ]


This indicates an artist cancelled their appearance at an event. [ Documentation ]


Use this only for cases when someone is credited as co-[role] (co-producer, co-engineer, etc.) - which generally has a specific meaning that depends on the specific activity but is different from just "there were several people collaborating". [ Documentation ]


Indicates that one entity is a cover of another entity [ Documentation ]


This title indicates that a conductor has at least partially retired, and no longer plays an active role with the group. [ Documentation ]


This attribute indicates a member the band is named after and without which it wouldn't exist (e.g. Miles Davis -> Miles Davis Sextet) [ Documentation ]


This attribute is to be used if the role was fulfilled in an executive capacity. [ Documentation ]


This attribute indicates a 'guest' performance where the performer is not usually part of the band. [ Documentation ]


Indicates a sibling with whom the artist has only one parent in common [ Documentation ]


For works that have lyrics, this indicates that those lyrics are not relevant to this recording. Examples include instrumental arrangements, or "beats" from hip-hop songs which may be reused with different lyrics. [ Documentation ]


This indicates that this is a karaoke recording of the work. This is different from an instrumental recording in that it is actively meant to sing on top of, and as such the lyrics info is still relevant. It might still contain backing vocals and other sections that would not be present in a true instrumental recording. [ Documentation ]

Level of studies

Specifies the level of studies that a student studied towards in an educational institution. [ Documentation ]

Possible values:


This indicates that the recording is of a live performance. [ Documentation ]


This specifies the medium the relationship applies to. [ Documentation ]

Possible values:


This indicates that the recording is of a medley, of which the work is one part. [ Documentation ]


This attribute describes if a particular collaboration was considered equal or minor. [ Documentation ]


Use this when the parent work consists of several parts which are generally meant to be performed one after another in a particular order (rather than in any order, or multiple times, or in arbitrary selections rather than as a whole). [ Documentation ]


This attribute indicates the number of an entity in a series. [ Documentation ]


Use this for operas and similar works that are separated in numbers, to specify what parts are numbers (as opposed to spoken dialog or other non-numbered parts). [ Documentation ]


Indicates that the relationship is optional - doesn't always apply. [ Documentation ]


This attribute indicates that an artist was an original member of a group artist. [ Documentation ]

Part of collection

Use this to indicate the parent work is not intended to be performed as a whole, but is just a grouping of pieces or works that can be performed individually (collections of songs, several sonatas or concertos published as a set, books of piano pieces, etc.) [ Documentation ]


This indicates that the recording is not of the entire work, e.g. excerpts from, conclusion of, etc. [ Documentation ]


This indicates that the group had multiple conductors or multiple players of the selected instrument who were led by this artist. This is often indicated by the title of "principal conductor" or "first conductor" for conductors, and by the title of "principal [instrument]" or "concertmaster" (principal violin) for instruments. [ Documentation ]


Use this to indicate that the mastering relationship is specifically for a remaster. [ Documentation ]


This should be used when an artist is credited in liner notes or a similar source as performing a solo part. [ Documentation ]


For indicating the step-spouse of the artist's parent, or the sibling relationship with the children of such a spouse [ Documentation ]


This indicates the publisher subcontracted to publish a release or work in a specific territory. Use this only when you have a specific sub-publisher credit, do not guess. [ Documentation ]


Specifies the subject that was taught by a teacher in an institution and/or to a student. [ Documentation ]

Possible values:


This specifies the credited task(s) for a relationship that can be credited in many different ways, such as "producer", or one that is otherwise generic, such as "miscellaneous support". [ Documentation ]


Local time a band's performance is scheduled to start, formatted HH:MM. [ Documentation ]


This indicates the linked entity translated something, rather than being the original writer. [ Documentation ]


This attribute indicates that the streamable content is not audio but video. [ Documentation ]


This attribute indicates a version with satirical, ironic, or otherwise humorous intent. Parodies in most cases have altered lyrics. [ Documentation ]


Transliterated track listings don't change the language, just the script or spelling. [ Documentation ]


This attribute describes a type of vocal performance. [ Documentation ]

Possible values:


This attribute describes the possible instruments that can be captured as part of a performance.
Can't find an instrument? Request it! [ Documentation ]


This attribute indicates a version with the lyrics in a different language than the original. [ Documentation ]