Style / Specific types of releases
Status: This is an official style guideline. |
See the guidelines for pseudo-releases.
See the guidelines for soundtracks.
Classical releases, tracks, release groups and recordings should follow the classical style guidelines.
Musical theatre
See the guidelines for musical theatre.
If a recording is a mash-up of two (or more) recordings the artist should be set to the mash-up artist. Put the two "versus" artist titles into the recording name like so: "Track Title (Artist A vs. Artist B)".
Note that this only applies to the recording, the associated track(s) should be credited as they appear on the release.
Live bootlegs
If a live bootleg has a proper title, enter the release title as it is on the release and follow the guidelines for live bootlegs for the release group title. If a live bootleg doesn't have a proper title, follow those guidelines for both the release title and release group title.
See the guidelines for audiobooks.
Broadcast programs
For radio programs and podcasts see the guidelines for broadcast programs.