Development / ws / js
NOTE: the /ws/js webservice is considered to be part of the musicbrainz server code. it isn't version and may change at any time, please do not rely on it for anything important, use /ws/2 instead. (also note that the documentation here is currently incomplete and outdated).
Currently there is an autocomplete interface for artists and labels. A request looks like this:
/ws/js/artist?q=cycles&limit=3&page=1 /ws/js/label?q=warp+records
- q is the search term
- limit is the max number of results on a page (optional)
- page allows you to select the page, if there are more than limit results (optional)
The services provide a JSON formatted response which contains a list of search results. The final entry of the list is not a search result, but information about the search itself, so pop this off the list if you're only interested in the results themselves.
A response looks like this:
[ { "comment": null, "gid": "3c4524ce-dc16-4dbd-b52f-6e7f9f067f9a", "name": "7 Cycles", "id": "556345" }, { "comment": "UK Based Electronica Producer Oliver Charles", "gid": "d3423ede-83ba-4758-8e4c-4f0d5f0bfabd", "name": "Cycles", "id": "592771" }, { "comment": null, "gid": "8847a88f-5780-4224-b879-8dc15ce153a0", "name": "Pharmakustik + Frequency in Cycles Per Second", "id": "650671" }, { "current": "1", "pages": 2 } ]
NOTE: there is also a separate recording autocomplete lookup, but this isn't documented yet as it is scheduled to undergo some changes to share more code with the label/artist lookups.
The javascript webservice provides access to tracklists, this is mainly intended to lazy load them in the release editor. Simply provide the tracklist row id in a call to /ws/js/tracklist:
The response will be a list of tracks with artist credits, as an example the response to the above request is:
[ { "length": "6:11", "name": "Glenn", "artist_credit": { "preview": "Slint", "names": [ { "gid": "2869c510-2679-4a3f-bf15-e5e8b49f2f28", "join": null, "name": "Slint", "artist_name": "Slint" } ] } }, { "length": "6:54", "name": "Rhoda", "artist_credit": { "preview": "Slint", "names": [ { "gid": "2869c510-2679-4a3f-bf15-e5e8b49f2f28", "join": null, "name": "Slint", "artist_name": "Slint" } ] } } ]